Friday, November 22, 2013

Milton Marathon, It Always Rains in November, and NaNoWriMo

So, I realize that it has been ages since I posted anything and that I really should be better at this. The truth is my life has been pretty boring as of late. Mostly I just go to class and work and watch my shows. But today I actually have something! Somethings, really. 

Let's go back to the beginning. In this case, the beginning is the beginning of November. As a few of you may know, for those of us in the Creative Writing World, November is the month when crazy people decide to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. It's riotous fun. Truly. Now, last year I decided on a whip to try this, the day before November 1st and it didn't end well. I don't even think I made it to the second week. It just wasn't the right time. I wasn't prepared. I didn't have any idea what I wanted to write about, didn't have a plot outline, didn't have any character profiles, didn't have anything. But this year, I decided in October that I was going to do this. And guess what people, as of right now, I'm 3,000 words ahead of schedule. Now, after the last day of November will I have the best novel in the world? That's a definite no. I don't even know if 50,000 words is enough to contain this beast of mediocrity. But I will have reached my goal. And there are a few gems in there, beautiful passages and a few great scenes. Maybe some of it can be salvaged. I honestly don't care because when I'm done, I will have written more on one story than I ever have before, and in 30 days, while going to school and working and still managing to go to San Diego without my computer for 4 days. I'd say that's an accomplishment. It has been a pretty eye opening month for me, because honestly, it was easy to write 1,666+ words a day. I didn't think I was the kind of person who could just write and become inspired, but these past 22 days that's been my experience. If I sit down at the computer and start writing, something relevant will come out, and sometimes it's really good, something I can use again or something that will help me get this novel where I want it to be someday. Anyway! There's that little tidbit of my life! I'll keep you updated on that 50,000 words.

Now, today was the Milton Marathon at the U of A Main Library, which I was required to attend an hour of for class. It's not that big of a deal because I've already read Paradise Lost like 3 times, for other classes and whatnot. And they always have treats. This year they didn't have any hot cocoa which really sucked because that's my favorite and it's raining out here and hot cocoa goes best with a cold November rain. But anyway, I showed up to the Milton Marathon pretty early on and chose a seat kinda in the back on the edge of a row of seats. I wanted easy access to said treats. Things were going fine, readers weren't botching the style too bad and hardly anyone had mispronounced a word. Then, suddenly, danger struck from above. In the form of the guy sitting in front of me. For some reason, he didn't feel my personal space was important to me because he leaned back his head until it was practically on my Kindle (from which I was following along with the readers of Paradise Lost) and started shaking his somewhat shaggy hair out. Now, I didn't see any kind of dandruff or lice or anything, but anyone who itches there head that much and then shakes it all over my area kinda freaks me out. He also stretched his hands out until they almost hit my face and I had to lean all the way back, probably causing me to intrude on the personal space of the girl behind me. The worst part? His eyes were closed the whole time so he didn't even notice I was there, apparently. Or so I thought.

The next thing I knew, however and despite my attempts at making noise and putting on lotion and coughing and stuff to let him know I was there, the dude was at it again. So as soon as the shenanigans had stopped I switched seats so that I was sitting in the seat next to the one which had caused me so much trouble. Thinking this would help me keep from being attacked by that guy's hair and whatever may or may not have been falling out of it. Nope. The next time he leaned back, he made this sort of wide arc with his head and hands so that I was still forced to lean away from him and probably into the personal space of the next person I was sitting in front of. I'm now pretty sure that this video game playing lame-o head was doing this on purpose. Anyway, I'm not his biggest fan. Or his fan at all. In fact, I kinda hate that kid for ruining my Paradise Lost experience. Then I left, because my hour was up and I needed to watch The Hunger Games in preparation for watching Catching Fire tonight. But of course, the light sprinkling that had been happening when I went into the library had turned into a downpour and I didn't have my hoodie. A travesty of my own making. Luckily I did have my boots on, or I never would have made it to my car parked at the Institute. Seriously, last year when it did this I fell down like five times. This time I was completely soaked and I barely managed to keep my books and stuff safe inside my purse, but I didn't fall and I made it back to my car mostly unscathed. My mascara was a little messed up but that was to be expected. It's what I get for wearing make up and doing my hair in the first place.

So now, here I am, watching The Hunger Games and writing this blog. And hoping that the kid with the atrocious hair problems didn't give me some sort of disease.

The moral of the story: If you have an itchy head, don't shake it over someone else's personal space! And also, don't sit behind weirdos, because you might have this happen to you.

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