Thursday, June 13, 2013

Creepy Snakes, Catching Horses and a Late Hay Delivery

It has been a really long time since I've written anything and today I just felt the need to change that. For some strange reason I believed in my heart that this summer would be a calm time in which to relax and do stupid things with my friends like stay up until two in the morning on a regular basis. It was a silly dream. And it didn't work out that way. I now have to wake up earlier than I usually do for school  but it's totally worth it. I have been working at what passes for a Ranch in this city for a few months now and since the guys who usually run the place are busy running a summer camp for children, guess who gets to show up early and make some of the hard decisions? That's right. It's me. At first I was a little nervous but I figured it wouldn't be that much different than what I had been doing. I was completely wrong.

So far, I've had to do such things as catch horses and administer medicines to them, clean out their hooves (a horse pedicure as my coworker calls it), play vet for a horse with wounds on his knee, pick up feed supplements and make sure all the time sheets for our clients make it to the main office in time. It's been crazy. And hot. Very hot. Did I mention we also have to sift, shovel and move manure compost in this Arizona heat? Yeah, that part's not very fun. Well, on Monday we had a horse die. She was old and had a tumor so she really was ready to go but that didn't make it any easier for some of the clients. Also, all of the bosses were out that day. And some of the people who give funding to the summer camp. It was not the best time for Freckles to die. Also, I was alone that day with the three clients. As we waited for the man to come take Freckles' body away (inside because Ethan - one of the guys in charge - didn't think the clients needed to see them take her away) it became very clear that we wouldn't be able to do afternoon chores. But it wasn't until I went out to check on the situation that I found any real problem.

That problem was a huge black snake that shot through my direct path getting back to the house. And then it did something that I was pretending snakes couldn't do: it slithered UP into the raised garden beds. Now, as most of you know I am terrified of snakes. Absolutely terrified. The less I know of their skills the better. And that is something you cannot unsee. Even after they took Freckles' body away (45 minutes late!) I could really only focus on the fact that there was a snake on the loose with the ability to go up things. Like walls. And raised garden beds.

Then, right after two of the clients had left and I was only waiting for one other client's ride to show up, the very late hay delivery guy showed up instead. And let me tell you, he was angry. And swearing like a sailor. Mostly about how much he hates women. While I was standing right there. Luckily for me, the client whose ride hadn't yet showed up helped me get all the bales of hay in their correct spot. OK, he did most of the work. I basically let him lift the 105 pound bales and I pushed them to the right spot. I'm not that strong, people. Anyway, the whole while this hay delivery guy is throwing bales all crazy off the truck and swearing up a storm and saying some very degrading things about the women he works with. At least he had the (sort of) decency to throw in a hasty, "But not you," after the first round of sexist comments. But then he said something that ruined whatever good graces he'd managed to receive from me when he said that I should just take a whip to my clients to get them working and then took it back because, "They might like it too much, I know I would!" Yeah. He's not the greatest of guys. Luckily he's moving to Tennessee in like a month. I should never have to see him again.Well, it turns out I'm not the only one that found him less than savory. Then next day when we told Ethan about the late delivery he made a show for the clients that people have their good and bad days and then caught my attention as he left the house to go to the summer camp. He mouthed the words "He's an  - "and then mouthed a word that I won't repeat and shouldn't have made me laugh but it did. It just proves that some people's mother actually teach them respect.

Anyway, I'm learning a lot. Like the fact that I can totally catch a horse and force her to take her meds and even like it. Which will totally be helpful when I'm a mom, I'm sure, because what are children to gigantic, rowdy horses who don't want to do as their told? Just kidding. For that I'm probably going to have a child that never does what she's told. Also, I have learned that even though I'm still very afraid of snakes in all their forms, I can hold back a scream so as not to alarm clients when I see one. Great skill, that one. Most importantly, I've learned that with hard work and a willingness to do the hard jobs that others don't want I can accomplish whatever I want. Because guess what?! Thanks to all my hard work and willingness to work, I'm getting a raise. And it feels good. Because I've earned it. I'm so grateful for my family for teaching me the value of work and I can't wait to see what else this summer holds!

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