Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sometimes I Get a Twitter Account

This is pretty much the story of the events leading up to my new Twitter account. While I've never really felt the need for Twitter before I've been a little intrigued by it. Anyway, about three weeks ago or so - it might have been less time than that, I'm really not sure - a friend of mine sent me this link to sign up for a free, online comic book class which, frankly, sounded amazing. So, I signed up for the class and then kind of forgot about it. But then today I got this email about how my class was starting so I quickly got on the site and started looking around, only to see the suggestion that I should get a Twitter if I didn't have one. I thought, why not? So now I have a Twitter. And I'm seeing some benefits, actually. I have all kinds of news, right in one place. World news, news related to books and authors that I like, funny things that are happening in pop culture. It's pretty great. Plus, it's a great way to get exposure for my writing. Seriously, I already have two followers and I just got the account. Since I'm trying to actually take my writing somewhere, this seems like a pretty great thing. We'll see if I can be funny in small doses. And in the meantime, if you have a Twitter and you want to follow me, that would be cool! Just find me @JessRochelle1

Anyway, sorry this is so short but I just wanted to get this out there! Also, that rooster attack  totally left me scarred! Seriously, my leg is now blemished. It's totally not cool. Although, maybe it will give me some street cred. I did survive a brutal attack, after all. Here's hoping!

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